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Multinational CIMIC Group operators met the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees representative located in Djibuti

Djibuti, April, 2021 In recent weeks, Multinational CIMIC Group specialists, based at the Italian Military Support Base located in Djibouti, have met with Dr. Deka Hassan Nour, local representative of the UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency. As part of the day-to-day civil-military liaison activities, the meeting was aimed at updating the situation regarding the refugee camps and their management. The UNHCR representative reported a normal return to activities by the Agency following the stop due to the most intense moments of the pandemic. The topics covered have ranged from the refugees’ safety to the health, from the education to the children protection. One of the tasks of civil-military cooperation operators is precisely to develop a constant and up-to-date liaison with the major stakeholders located in the area of operations in order to have a social, economic, political and infrastructural framework as clear and functional to the objectives of the mission itself, including in the CIMIC functions the ability to support the local population and the civil environment, optimizing the resources of International, National and Non-Governmental Organizations.

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